Mami Wata - WOZA

"WOZA" - the Zulu word for "Come" - is a promotional ad for the South African-based surfer brand Mami Wata. It tells the story of a surfer who has been taken as a lover by the African water spirit Mami Wata. The clip was shot over seven days in Durban, South Africa, and Ponto Do Ouro, Mozambique and features the 22 year-old Transkei surfer, Avuyile Ndamase. The Argentinian duo Pato Martinez & Francisco Canton (Pantera) directed the film. "Woza" won ‘Best Cinematography’ at the Patagonia Film Festival, ‘Best Short’ at the Paris Surf & Skate Film Festival and a Bronze Lion for Film Craft at the Cannes Lions. (film music ‘Asazani’ by Soweto based BCUC)
duration 5:13