FEED ME by Liviana Prola
An informative and practical guide to cooking healthy and nutritious meals for dog. Feed Me by Liviana Prola (220pages) is available at...

Elias Weiss Friedman is THE DOGIST
Meet Elias Weiss Friedman, The Dogist. Friedman has an extremely popular photo-documentary series of dogs around New York City and the...

BOOK Wet Dog by Sophie Gamand
Wet Dog by Sophie Gamand (shop.barnes&noble/shop.amazon.de) www.sophiegamand.com related LAla Sandbox LAla Design LAla Picks #photography...

BOOK Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel
Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel (amazon shop.com/shop.de) www.sethcasteel.com related LAla Sandbox LAla Design LAla Picks #photography...

BOOK Shake by Carli Davidson
Shake by Carli Davidson (amazon shop.com/shop.de) www.carlidavidson.com related LAla Sandbox LAla Design LAla Picks LAla Videos LAla...

BOOK Maddie On Things by Theron Humphrey
Maddie is a sweet-tempered coonhound who accompanied her owner, Theron, on a yearlong, cross-country trip while he worked on a...